I can not use Japanese again.....
I am in Nazca(Nasca), this city is famous about grand
pictures. This mornig, I had a flight and glance the
picture from sky.
It is Amzing! I could watch the grand pictures very
clearly. And the flight was very exciting for me, because
our airplane swang to much. Acrobat flight! But I did not
become flight sick(norimono yoi) .I was Lucky!
Nazca is small and good city , so I enjoy very much.
Posted by: 貴子 at September 2, 2005 09:16 AMいいなー。あたしもどっか行こうかなー。
Posted by: めぐめぐ at September 3, 2005 11:00 AMカトリーナは問題なかったです。南米ライフを楽しんでますよ。ここから寒い地域に突入するので気をつけます。
Posted by: てら at September 4, 2005 09:48 AM